Today I will be talking about 5 things I will NEVER do again
As easy as it may sound, it's actually hard trying to think of something I would never do again. But the more I think about it, the more i remember the times i regretted doing things.

1. I remember a time when i challenged my friend to see who would drink the most coke/crush. That is one thing I would never dare to try again...
2. Who can eat the most Naan "Indian puffed roti"... In short, I will never have a "who can eat the most _____ challenge" ever again.
3. I will NEVER try to skateboard again...the last time I tried to act like a pro, I fell and scraped my hands.

4. I regret agreeing to eating spicy Chinese food... I am someone who can not bare any spicy food than the one I am used to. Because of this, I was not able to finish what I had and swore to never eat spicy food again.
5. I regret going on the roller coaster 5 times in a row because it made me really dizzy and i had to waste 20 mins of my fun time just sitting still so that I can walk properly again. To many, it looked like I was drunk but my friends told everyone who gave us weird looks that it was because of the ride.

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