As time went on, we learned how to use a mouse and how to do basic things like play a game from the desktop. Then we learned how to use internet explorer and search up basic things like pictures of animals. Year after year, we were introduced to new sites and new applications. Once middle school started, the social media fever had already spread out around the world. Facebook came up, Instagram came on, and more and more social media sites were invented. Unfortunately, I got caught up in that fever, too. I made Facebook in the middle of grade 7 and I got Instagram in grade 10. When it came to a phone...I got mine at the end of grade 11. As someone who was never used to having a phone, I got addicted really fast. In a week, I was on it constantly. However, after 2 months, the addiction went away and I can now stay a day without my phone and just use it to text my parents or call someone really quick.
Based on personal experiences, I would recommend kids in elementary school to use the internet solely for the purpose of watching an educational video online or playing games that don't affect the mentality of the child. For example, games with violence and course language should not be allowed until high school. Now you may think that that's a long time to wait... but why does a 7th grader need to play games with violence and course language? This only affects how the child thinks and views the world around them. As for social media... I know that as time goes by, younger generations are getting things faster than kids got 10 years ago... however, Social Media (other than positive YouTube videos) should not be allowed until grade 8. When it comes to the topic of owning a phone, the best time would be anytime after gr 10. With the attached video... the parents allow the kids to get a phone before they enter grade 7... with specific rules and regulations ofc...
in case the video doesn't work... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reZmu1LQSfQ
When I get older and I become a mom, I would still agree with what I said above because social media and phones are the most famous methods of becoming distracted when it comes to doing homework or being connected to the beauty nature has to offer. Using the internet would be allowed since elementary school as that is when they start to get introduced to do their basic research... however with what I said earlier, social media would not be allowed until middle school and phones will only be allowed after a great deal of responsibility is shown around the house and in their own decisions (with maybe a phone that only accepts incoming calls for us to contact our kids). As they show responsibility, I would know that they are now ready to take on the work a phone takes, the safety issues that come along with it and the appropriate uses of a phone. As parents... it is their responsibility to make sure the kids know the limitations that come along with such privileges... and with that said... it is IMPORTANT to tell them that these things, such as social media and phones are not NEEDED, they're given as privileges and can be taken away whenever the child is irresponsible or misbehaves.
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