Saturday, 18 July 2015

Things that help you lose weight

Have you ever been in a situation where you have been told that you've gained a lot of weight? Don’t you just hate it when people expect you to be that person with the picture perfect magazine body? People all around the world have been victimized to follow the societal views of what the perfect body is. What they don’t understand is that no one can be you better than the way you wear yourself.


     I have been told by many people that I can be perfect if I just lost a little more weight. At first, I took that right to the heart and felt the need of having to exercise and change the way I live just so that I can fit in to their views. But over time, I've come to the realization that I don’t have to be “that” person as there is no such as the “perfect body”. However, it is also important to comprehend that living a healthy lifestyle benefits us in the long run. This doesn't mean that you have to stop eating what you love, or that you have to start changing the way you live.

          Here I have summarized 11 foods that can help kick off a healthy lifestyle and greatly increase metabolism rates:

1.  Hot Peppers - directly boosts metabolism, reduces cravings, and increases blood circulation.                         

2.  Whole Grains: Oatmeal and Brown Rice - full of nutrients and carbohydrates, offers long lasting energy, and stabilizes insulin levels. 

    3.    Broccoli - High in calcium, high in vitamins C, K and A, and also one of the                   best detox foods you can add to your diet.

4.  Soups - speeds up metabolism and burns fat. 

5.  Green Tea - boost metabolism rates, and increases health benefits, and rich in antioxidants. 


6.  Apples and Pears - boosts metabolism rates and speeds up weight loss. 

7.  Spices - one of the best ways to keep the metabolism rates high, eg ( black pepper, mustard seeds, onion and ginger), burns up to 1,000 more calories daily

8.    Citrus Fruits - eg. grapefruits, burns fat and keeps metabolism high, helpful in reducing insulin 

Image result for citrus fruits

9.   High food in calcium - boosts metabolism, and increases weight loss

10. Food High in Omega-3’s - greatly boost metabolism, lowers the amount of  leptin in the body - an acid that lowers metabolism, eg, fish, nuts, seeds, flax  seed oil. 

11. Purified Water - drinking water speeds up fat burning and a natural appetite  suppressant and detoxifier. 

      I personally use almost all of these things to help me have a healthy lifestyle.
I'm not saying that you have to lose weight, but if we incorporate these foods into
our lives, they can help us stay in shape all while just eating things.

I hope this list helps bring a change to your life and remember, learn to love
yourself and don't let others tell you how you should look. Be confident and keep
your head high. 


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