My experience with summer school has been very positive. I came into my class preparing myself for a month of full of projects and non-stop homework. I was actually shocked when i saw that all the teachers are very loving and they are considerate of the fact that we would rather be out playing or visiting new places. Summer School has been a great experience as i got to meet a lot of new people and and learned a lot of new things. Of course, summer school meant homework, but our teacher was very kind and made sure that everything was doable within the time he gave us at school. Because of this, i was able to still go home, and enjoy whatever was left of the day. Summer school encouraged me to continue trying my best and the teacher i had was very nice and spent time going over what had to be done and made sure all the kids understood what was expected from us.
I will never forget my time at this school as this will be my last year of summer school. Next year is the year of 24/7 hard work and applications for university. I would not say that i wasted my time with this course in the summer because 1. i don't have to worry about it all year next year and 2. I made a lot of new friends and gained experience that will take me a long way. If i was to recommend summer school, i would definitely tell other kids to come to this school and finish courses so that they have one less thing to worry about. The staff is very loving and the environment of the school is always welcoming.
I cannot believe that summer school is about to come to an end. Thankfully, I will take back a lot of memories and they definitely will last a lifetime.
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